Ardath Berliant, Reiki Master/Teacher, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and Intuitive
Ardath became a Reiki Master-Teacher in 1995. She can track her 9th generation lineage directly back to Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki.
Ardath's Lineage: Dr. Mikao Usui Dr. Chujiro Hayashi Madam Hawayo Takata Ethel Lombardi Gayle Fahey Ed Michaud Myrna Levy Michael Soto Ardath Berliant
Ardath's Reiki practice focuses her natural empathic nature to help ease the stress and sometimes physical pain associated with today's hectic lifestyle. Although Ardath's main focus is stress reduction and trauma related concerns, her clientele also consist of people suffering aches and pains associated with daily living, pre-natal women, children & babies, people recovering from surgery and cancer. Ardath also works with companion animals.
She has found that by relieving stress in the body through Reiki, there is space for healing to come in. Many clients have found that relief while on her table, most feel it within a day or two.
Ardath also completed Basic Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy training and applies the principles and learning to her work. She also studied Pre-Cognitive Re-Education with Rick Moss in the mid 1990's and is a Certified Practitioner. Her training also includes Tellington Touch for animals.
In the early 1990's Ardath trained with renowned psychic Rita Goldsmith in Sedona, AZ. This training aids Ardath in using her innate intuition during Reiki sessions.
Much of Ardath's early Reiki work had been spent donating her time to helping individuals with HIV/AIDS.